
Unlock the transformative power of your breath with our exclusive collection of audio bundles and my signature self study course.

Each offering is thoughtfully crafted by Rob Rea, a leading breathwork coach dedicated to helping you discover deeper levels of relaxation, balance, and self-awareness.

The Daily Package


Enhance your daily routine with a variety of breathwork practices designed to energise and centre you. 


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Balance and Reset


Find your equilibrium with this collection of breathwork exercises designed to balance and reset your system.


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Stress Reduction & Sleep


Ease into a restful night’s sleep or unwind after a long day with this soothing collection.


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Breathwork Fundamentals


Take your breathwork practice to the next level with our comprehensive self-study course. This online program is perfect for those who want to deepen their understanding and practice of breathwork at their own pace.

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A gentle reminder to slow down and breathe.

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